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Upon Purchasing my images Agreement: (Ants, Butterfly and Insects, Frogs and Reptile, Landscape, Wildlife, Under the Sea, Plants, Mushroom, Flower, Still Life) 

Copyright and Usage Right Policy:  I (online purchaser) acknowledge and understand that the images taken by RWP's Legacy PhotoGraphix, PHOTOGRAPHER; Randee Mooney are protected by Federal Copyright Laws. I understand and agree it is ILLEGAL to screenshot, right-clicking, saving, copy, edit, alter, crop out watermark, apply additional filters, reproduction in commercial use, resale in any form, or use in ads not designed by RWP's Legacy PhotoGraphix, publish in donation or competing website or distribute these photos for purposes of publicizing your programs or for any other lawful purpose. I understand and agree photos by RWP's Legacy PhotoGraphix / Randee Mooney are NOT to be entered into any contest, or giving to venue, graphic designer or artist.  I understand and agree I am to keep ALL images as they were sent to me. I understand I DO NOT have the right to manipulate, change filters, or digitally modify the photograph(s) in any manner. I understand and agree that the original copyright remains with RWP's Legacy PhotoGraphix, Photographer; Randee Mooney and is the sole rightful copyright owner of these images. I understand I have the right to only PRINT these pictures I order from the galleries on her websites or  I understands and agrees that when publishing photos online(Social Media) I will NOT edit the photos in any way. If caught I understand and agree to pay RWP's Legacy PhotoGraphix  each per violation of this Federal Law will be subject to its civil and criminal penalties. I understand and agree when I order the pictures, it is for Print use only, I agree to honor the copyright laws as stated in this agreement.

Colors/Printing Quality: I understand and agree RWP's Legacy PhotoGraphix / Randee Mooney is not liable for print quality, cropping or coloring, fading over time of any photos.

Proper Recognition: RWP's Legacy PhotoGraphix is appreciated and requested when publishing photos and using them online (social media). I understand and agree I can share pictures with RWP's Legacy PhotoGraphix's trademark on facebook website with your credit mention. 

For any questions or concerns email me at and label Subject: Photography Image.

Copyright©2024 Randee Mooney of RWP's Legacy PhotoGraphix, Mrs. Queen Ant, AR Pet Couture, ALL Rights Reserved (It is ILLEGAL to screenshot, copy, edit, alter, reproduce, or resale images by RWP's Legacy PhotoGraphix)
  • Mrs. Queen Ant

Mrs. Queen Ant

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RWP's Legacy PhotoGraphix


Hours for best response:

For Photography


For Ants and Critters


If no responds, please give me 1 to 2 business day to respond. 

Open: Monday-Friday Closed at 3pm.

  • Mrs. Queen Ant

AR Pet Couture

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